Copyright Administration Services

Obtain a comprehensive overview of your copyright assets to take action in the short-term and prepare for the long-term.

Getting organized is the first step in developing a broader copyright portfolio strategy. We dig into the details with clients to identify the number and nature of their copyrightable assets. With this knowledge, we help clients identify gaps, mitigate risk, increase monetization, and be prepared to undertake transactions relating to their copyrights in support of their goals.

Working closely with clients to help manage their copyright assets, we:

  • Detail the breadth and depth of existing and potential copyrights within an overall portfolio.

  • Organize music, literary, visual art, and other copyrightable asset information into an easy-to-understand format.

  • Administer specific copyrights as part of licensing and rental, sale, and use transactions.

  • Pinpoint incomplete registrations with applicable agencies and collection societies (e.g. PROs, MLC, CMOs, etc.)

  • Pursue clearances and permissions in connection with existing and potential uses of copyrights.

  • Plan for the long-term disposition of copyright assets in connection with prospective sales and estate planning.

Contact us to learn more about managing your copyright assets.

Check out our Resources articles to learn more about copyright.